C o n t a c t

The TITANIUM Archive needs YOUR HELP!

Please contact me for any of the following reasons:

Email me at early_titanium87@aol.com

This is me at my last job, as an assistant curator in the rare books room at a local library. Now I work at a bike shop.

I am the proud owner of a rare 1988 Litespeed "Titanium", their first production model, which you can see here. I'll post progress pictures as I build it up.


This is Eva, who builds under the name Liberation Fabrication. This was her first TI frame, built at UBI. I got to meet her at the end of 2021 when she was on her way through town and we nerded out about TITANIUM bicycle design big time. She worked some wild, spiraling hydraylic line routing into this frame, and has more creative ideas where that came from. I'm very excited to see where her framebuilding career takes her... and she's also selling me her old frame jig! (for steel building only)

A long-time friend of the shop where I work brought this ~1998 Marin Team Titanium by after having seen this website. A previous owner had converted the frame to single-speed use with Paragon dropouts, and it was speculated that Paragon did the welding as well. I got to test ride this machine: it was smooth and zippy.

COMING SOON [updated 5/15/2023]

Big news! The Canadians had TITANIUM technology in the 1980s!

This website was last edited 5/16/2023

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